Friday, September 30, 2011

Big News!

I finally made it through my first bar of soap! I stocked up on soap when i arrived at site and I'm just now finishing my first one, maybe i shouldn't make that information public. I think ill look back at this phase of my life as the stinky years. Right now I take one real, hot shower a week when I go into town on the weekends. I guess if I'm going to be disgusting i might as well own up to it. Ugandans on the other hand, go through tremendous quantities of soap and bathe twice a day. Whitney will occasionally mop my floor for me and sometimes she'll ask me if Ive bathed. If my lie isn't convincing enough she'll refuse to mop my floor until i go clean up, so ill splash some water on my face and go next door for inspection, as long as she doesn't rub my arms to see the dirt and dead skin peel off, i get my floor cleaned.

Some would say that I stink, I prefer to say I have taken on an exotic odor befitting an exotic land. But really my friend max summed it up best. Dude, you smell like a Ugandan. And not the bathe twice a day variety either. I was actually pretty excited when he told me this, which gives you insight into just how exciting my life is right now. I when I first got here I really noticed a difference between Ugandan and American BO, maybe just because it was new but it didn't smell bad necessarily just interesting, and if you can stomach it i think i detected a hint of rhubarb. no joke. So i guess in a sense I'm integrating successfully, I smell like the people in the place i live. I like to think that my American BO producing bacteria living in my armpits were pushed off their land and i have a happy family of Ugandan bacteria in their place. At least my clothes don't smell, at least when i put them on... Changing clothes is the new bathing, shed some of that stink! I now have a house girl who does my laundry once a week so you'll be glad to know that i now change my underwear daily.

1 comment:

  1. exotic rhubarb BO befitting the exotic Ugandan Land LOL

    that is a joke whether you want it to be or not. This one time, when letting the hygiene go for a week while in the jungle, I went for a swim in the lagoon. After laying still for about 20 seconds something tickled me. I was spooked at first but turns out it was a tadpole. After being still another 2 or so minutes you could see nothing but tadpoles in the water, and I'm pretty sure they were munching the dead skin off my body. Having thousands of tiny little creatures cleaning you at once felt really cool. I tried to make it happen again later but no tadpoles!
